Episode 99 / The ABC's
A is for Alternative
B is for Bitcoin
C is for Continual professional development
D is for Diversification
E is for Economy…stupid
F is for Financial advice
G is for Gold
H is for Home work
I is for investing
J is for ‘jazzed’
K is for knowledge
L is for leverage
M is for monetary policy
N is for new
O is for opportunity
P is for property
Q is for quantitative easing
R is for risk
S is for safety
T is for timing
U is for ubiquitous
V is for volatility
X, Y, and Z – those are just letters
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NZ Everyday Investor is on a mission to increase financial literacy and make investing more accessible for the everyday person!
Please ensure that you act independently from any of the content provided in these episodes - it should not be considered personalised financial advice for you. This means, you should either do your own research taking on board a broad range of opinions, or ideally, consult and engage an authorised financial adviser to provide guidance around your specific goals and objectives.
Where to find Darcy Ungaro:
Ungaro &Co (authorised) financial advisers
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