Episode 102

Published on:

14th Jun 2020

EVERYTHING to know when BUYING a home / Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan, real estate adviser and blogger, joins me on this episode to discuss everything you need to know BEFORE you decide to BUY your next home. 

Like watching your kids move out - you  wonder if they'll get a little beaten up in the process of finding their feet: You have lots of advice, but you bite your tongue.

Real estate agents, mortgage brokers, banks, builders, friends, facebook groups and of course, your parents solicitor, are the typical voices in your head during this time. They all come from different backgrounds and all offer something in terms of guidance and perspective, but often these voices can be contradictory at best - at worse they can be downright misleading too!

So you've already purchased a home before - fancy yourself as a bit of an expert? 

Take one change in one of the many bits of legislation, or just one change in lending criteria, combined with a dynamic property market - and you have the makings of a process that will teach even the most experienced home-buyer a lesson.

In this podcast episode, which is part two of a short series around this topic, we cover things like:

How to identify your next home 

Getting realistic around price...and fast.

Can you trust  real estate agents?

Is it buy at auction, by tender, or by negotiation?

Who's better to deal with - the listing agent, or the selling agent?

Call it low and watch it grow - how  to really know what an auction property is going to sell for.

Preparing for the day of auction - what's the best strategy to use?

What's the difference between using a mortgage adviser vs going to the bank directly?

Please note that all comments made in relation to any professional adviser who may help you during the home-buying process should be considered general remarks only.  Please consider the team you place around you carefully. Before you embark on the home-buying journey, it's a wise move to have an initial discussion with a mortgage adviser to get a home-buying-strategy arranged.


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NZ Everyday Investor is on a mission to increase financial literacy and make investing more accessible for the everyday person!

Please ensure that you act independently from any of the content provided in these episodes - it should not be considered personalised financial advice for you. This means, you should either do your own research taking on board a broad range of opinions, or ideally, consult and engage an authorised financial adviser to provide guidance around your specific goals and objectives.


Where to find Darcy Ungaro:

Ungaro &Co (authorised) financial advisers

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NZ Everyday Investor
The NZ Everyday Investor! A podcast designed for the the everyday person, who's keen to build new wealth in the new world using existing, and new tools to get the job done. We select guests for our show who have a genuine story to tell - not just industry experts but people who have made great financial moves, some on purpose and some totally by accident! We hope you enjoy the show.

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Darcy Ungaro