News of the Money-World, Ep #17
Today my guests are:
Rupert Carlyon, from koura KiwiSaver
Mark Fowler, from Hobson Wealth
Just a few people on the internet talking about:
- The next potential 'taper tantrum'?
- The destructive debt domino disease straight out of China.
- Some good news, then
- Finishing up on a few thoughts on interest rates - where to from here?
Congrats to the winner of the $50 KiwiSaver credit, care of kōura KiwiSaver! No matter which provider you're with, if you tune in live and like the live Facebook video we'll pick a random name every fortnight to drop a $50 note in there. Tune in, like them all - make your retirement even better, and you'll learn something on the way!
Tune in next on Wednesday the 3rd of November, at 5:30pm on the NZ Everyday Investor Facebook page